This voucher is valid for one 5D/4N All Inclusive Resort Stay in a Suite for 2 adults and one 4D/3N Domestic Hotel Stay in a Suite for 2 adults and 2 children. (Two Vacations in total)
It is valid for 24 months after payment.
Valid for couples, married or living together, between the ages of 28 and 75 (both of the guests must be between those ages).
Valid for single women, aged 30 and above, who are genuinely single. The offer is not valid for attached individuals who are traveling without their spouse. Not valid for single men.
You may choose to stay at either a Resort from the All Inclusive List or a Hotel from the Domestic Hotel Mini Break list for your first Vacation, but you may not have two Vacations from the same list.
Stay is based on availability. Alternative dates/accommodation will be offered in the event your initial request is unavailable. Booking requests must be made at least 30 days in advance.
Not valid if you are an existing vacation club member of the respective Resort. In this case, another property will be offered.
Not valid if you have attended a presentation in the respective Resort/Hotel within the last 12 months.
Both Resort/Hotel stays (All-Inclusive and Domestic) include a complimentary refreshment for 2 and a 120 minute preview of the Resort's Travel and Lifestyle Program. Participation is mandatory as part of this promotion. Failure to attend will result in penalties charged to the customer at the Resort. Guests are prohibited from attending other promotions while staying on these promotional vacations.
Your All Inclusive Resort stay is valid for 2 adults only. Children aged 3-12 can be accommodated at a cost of US$45 per child per night and US$120 per child per night if over the age of 12. They prices are subject to change over the 24 month period. No extra charge for children under 3. A small percentage of the All Inclusive Resorts are Adults-Only and will not allow children. Some All-Inclusive Resorts will accommodate up to 2 children at no extra charge. These can be requested at time of booking. However, the majority charge the above fees.
Guests must be earning a combined yearly income of US$60,000 to qualify for these Resort stays.
All guests must be in possession of a valid, international, major credit card during their stay. No Diners, Debit Card, Pre-paid, Secured cards, etc.
Guests must be in full time employment or comfortably retired.
Guests must be able to speak, read, write and understand fluent English or Spanish.
Valid for US and Canadian citizens only.
Not valid for group travel, i.e, 2 families or more traveling together.
All of the All-Inclusive Resort stays require you to fly directly from a city in the US or Canada and stay at the chosen property on the first night of arrival in that country, e,g. Mexico, Dominican Republic. Not valid if you are traveling from another hotel or accommodation of any kind in that same country. Flight details will be requested beforehand.
Domestic Hotels within the US charge taxes, payable on arrival - average US$20 per night
Some of the US Domestic Hotels will require guests to pay a deposit to cover incidentals at the time of check-in. Some will also request an signed MOU at the time of booking, with card details included to cover possible cancellations or no-shows.
This offer is not valid for current or former employees of the travel club/timeshare industry.
All attached guests must be traveling with their spouse. Single travelers must be genuinely/legally single.
Once initial payment is made, no refunds are allowed.
To make your reservations, contact holiday@jeffsvacations.com